JC Gordon is the Founder & Director of the Infinite Intelligence Institute.
Known as "The Infinite Intelligence Professor" because of his transformational near-death experience, he is today’s foremost expert on Infinite Intelligence and God's DNA Power potential.
Since returning from his NDE, he has helped impact the lives of many by amplifying God’s DNA Power of Infinite Intelligence to unlock the best versions of themselves.
Infinite Intelligence always eliminates pain and stress, improves financial circumstances, enhances health & wellness, enriches relationships with others, and accesses the deepest dimensions of GOD consciousness, awareness, and eternal wisdom possible.
While he was dead, Spiritual Entrepreneur Coaching was shown to him as the conduit of how God's DNA Power and Infinite Intelligence will be delivered to all of humanity.
Spiritual Entrepreneur Coaches measure and quantify the number of Infinite Intelligence Spirit Empowerment Units a person has unleashed in their life and amplify them to always bring forth the life they are meant to have until they become the totality and everythingness of God’s DNA Power and Infinite Intelligence.
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